A downloadable game

Got bored at work randomly started making this on max 2d , just click new game when loaded, tap to use odm gear grappling (no stress on odm gear while grappling opposed to using diamond shaped buttons to gas boost)

Diamond shaped buttons are used for using gas and boosting in that direction (puts stress on odm gear, bar in top left will turn red if gear is stressed out and have to let it cool down before odm can be used again) (manage your stress while killing titans) added- shop ,skin shop, win and lose conditions , made other changes too can't recall them rn but more updates for optimization is on my list of many other things such as story dialogue system possibly and more maps/missions and the training mode and time attack mode but focusing on polishing up the first level before making more ,  will be working on that plus making the titan itself better and have a variety in away but that's for later updates for now this is what it is step in and find out.

Decided to just release it as the source project code for max2D since I can't properly get it functioning correctly exported with third party apps will have to add this game to ur projects list in max2D via extracting the folder from the zip and dropping it into your max2D projects folder with a file manager.


aot_athome.zip 415 kB

Install instructions

Download max2D game engine from Google play store and download or use a file manager to unzip the folder into the max2D projects folders, game will be listed in you're projects list after u done that can edit the game in anyway you want or just open the project and press play it will already load up on the correct starting scene. Leave a comment if you need help.


- installation video


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Uploading new version soon.

I already know there's alot wrong with it but just testing if I could upload